Sunday, May 11, 2008


To be honest, I was excited when I found out we were going to be watching Jaws. I have attempted to watch it about four and five times, but I had never been able to complete the movie. It always got to the part where they were going to find the shark- but I always had to turn it off! Usually this was because my Dad had to go on some kind of a business errand or my Grandma had just finished cooking dinner. So, the prospect of finishing the elusive Jaws was an exciting prospect for me!

I found the film to be good, but not exactly to my liking. The first half of the movie begins like a Hitchcock film, that is, it is suspenseful and mysterious. Spielberg never shows the vicious shark and leaves you wondering what will happen next; when the movie gets to a point when the heroes must board the ship to defeat the monster, it is then that the film begins to lose its luster. I had never experienced the latter part of the film, and I don' t know if I would want to again. It is not bad or uninteresting, just that it seems to go on for far to long. The characters shoot the shark to no avail, and battle it with with nature. And, just when it seems that they are about to give up or take the shark down, the movie just goes on another twenty minutes....

All of the characters are great and the special effects are wondrous for their time. I just wish that Spielberg had cut the movie down by fifteen to twenty minutes.

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